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Uncompromising and Unbiased Advice

Independent Advice

Hegarty Advisors, LLC is an independent, fiduciary, fee only advisor with an office in Garden City, NY. Therefore, we sell no product or accept commissions from other financial service firms in order to minimize conflicts of interest. We only recommend investment vehicles and financial products that are most suitable for the client. By being independent, Hegarty Advisors, LLC can select or recommend any product from the market place with low costs that meet the client’s needs.

As a fiduciary, it’s our legal obligation to make the client’s needs the priority. Hegarty Advisors, LLC is compensated at a flat rate for a comprehensive, financial plan or a percentage of assets under management. We only get paid by clients directly. For example, other brokers or wealth managers may receive compensation for selling a certain insurance plan or mutual fund, we do not. We will analyze the client’s holistic needs and assist them in purchasing the right product in the most efficient and cost effective way. Our independent practice allows us to deliver un-compromised and unbiased advice that always has the client’s best interests in mind.